

THC September 2015 Revenue Report

THC (TWSE: 9939.TT) today announced its net revenues for September 2015: On a consolidated basis, revenues for September 2015 were approximately NT$1.16 billion, a decrease of 12.73 percent over September 2015. Revenues for January through September 2015 totaled NT$ 13.6 billion, a decrease of 2.99 percent compared to the same period in 2014.
THC Revenue Report (Consolidated) Unit: NT$ thousand
Period Net revenues
Current Month 1,162,181
Corresponding month in prior year 1,331,700
YoY Increase (Decrease) -169,519
YoY Increase (Decrease) % -12.73
Year-to-date 13,561,005
Comparable Year-to-date Period in Prior Year 13,978,703
YoY Increase (Decrease)  -417,698
YoY Increase (Decrease) % -2.99

THC Spokesperson
Mr. C. C. Yen /Deputy General Manager of Administration Dept.

THC Deputy Spokesperson
Ms. Emily Lu / IR
TEL:886-4-23590088 (ext. 5107)