
No. 1 Date 2020/07/09 Time 19:54:54
Spokesman Job title Phone
Conformity with the provisions paragraph 36 Occurrence date 2020-07-09
Subject Announcement of retirement of treasury shares of the Company and change of paid-in capital registration

1.Date of the competent authority’s approval of capital reduction:2020/05/29


2.Date of completion of capitalization change registration:2020/07/07


3.Effect on the financial statements (including any discrepancy between the
amount of paid-in capital and the no.of shares outstanding, and the effect
on net worth per share):


(1)Paid-in capital before the retirement:NT$2,928,788,790;
Outstanding common shares before the retirement:292,878,879 shares;
Net worth per share before the retirement:NT$39.25;
(Based on Q1 2020 financial report)
(2)Paid-in capital after the retirement:NT$2,877,858,790;
Outstanding common shares after the retirement:287,785,879shares;
Net worth per share after the retirement:NT$39.94.
(Based on Q1 2020 financial report)


4.Plan for expected share replacement operations:NA


5.Estimated no.of listed common shares after capital reduction and new issue:NA


6.Estimated no.of listed common shares as a percentage of issued common
shares after capital reduction and new issue (No.of common shares after
capital reduction/No.of issued common shares):NA


7.Countermeasures for poor circulation of equity if the aforesaid estimated
no.of listed common shares does not reach 60 million shares and the
percentage does not reach 25% after capital reduction:NA


8.Any other matters that need to be specified:
The change of registration for this capital reduction is approved by
the Ministry of Economic Affairs by the Letter Jing-Shou-Shang-Zi
No. 10901124840. The Company received the letter of approval on
July 09, 2020.